Umbrella是一个全新的陶瓷碗设计,它新的边缘可以阻挡细菌病毒进入人的体内。人们传统端碗的方式拇指总会扣着碗的边缘,这样很拇指很容易接触到食物并且污染食物,是非常不健康的。Umbrella用位于碗腰身部位的新边缘替代了以前的碗沿,用来支撑拇指来端碗,这样避免了手指接触食物。而且这个新的碗沿是一个凹槽,用来承接溢出的汤汁,避免了碗底污染桌布。这个设计从细节改善了人们传统的生活方式。 The design of UMRELLA brings a new experience and a healthy lifestyle to the user. In the traditional way of bowling, the thumb always buckles the edge of the bowl, so that the thumb is easy to touch the food and pollute the food, which is very unhealthy. The new edge of the waist of the bowl Umbrella replaces the previous bowl edge and is used to support the thumb to hold the bowl, thus avoiding finger touching the food. And this new edge is a groove to take over the spilled soup, avoiding the bottom of the bowl contaminating the tablecloth. This design improves people's traditional lifestyles from the details.
报送单位:Kookmin University