设计者从中国词语“时光”中产生灵感,在灯具上增加了时钟上的分针,分针既是灯具的开关也是控制灯亮时长的部件。用户通过旋转灯具上的分针来打开灯具以及设置灯亮时长。随着时间的流逝,分针自动旋转回到原始位置,T-LIGHT的光线也随之渐渐由亮变暗直至熄灭,宛如自然界中的太阳光随着时间的流逝在发生变化。并且让用户每次打开灯的时候都会产生时间的概念,思考本次活动大约会用多长时间的光。 The designer was inspired by the Chinese word “shi guang”(“shi” means time and “guang” means light) and added the minute hand to the lamp. The minute hand works as the switch and also the timing controller for the light. Users can turn on the lamp and set its duration. As time passes, the minute hand will return to its original position and the light from T-LIGHT will gradually fade away like the change of sunlight over time. Moreover, it makes users think about time since they need to determine how long they will take for each activity each time.