水体的优氧化破坏水域生态环境,造成大面积死区。 “死区复活者”将过剩的藻类及水生物尸体快速碾碎使之成为大颗粒并下沉至水底,减少分解过程消耗水面大量氧和产生有害气体,加速循环平衡。锌银电池能够于海水中以物理方式长时间发电,并以经过辗压后的藻类产生的纤维素储存电荷,达到永续环保及耐用的解决手法。 Eutrophic areas are overloaded with nutrient-rich water, which causes the overgrowth of algae.Aquatic Reviver absorbs and crushes excessive algae, dead aquatic creatures and feces. Decomposed from algae, algal colloids then help gelatinize the debris to make it dense enough to sink. Additionally, like a mobile accumulator, the cellulose decomposed from algae stores extra electric charge for motors to enable Aquatic Reviver to keep operating. A part of the water surface in the eutrophic area will no longer be covered by algae. In such uncovered areas, aquatic plants resume photosynthesizing and produce oxygen in the water. That is, Aquatic Reviver re-activate the aquatic ecosystem through decreasing oxygen consumption and increasing oxygen supply. Aquatic Reviver is available in different sizes and materials, so as to match different eutrophic areas optimally.