作品ID: CC202018238
本设计最大的意义也在于将AED救援设备从“固定”的状态向“动态”转变的一个尝试和探索。通过引入无人机动态调控模块,构建出以急救机器人为载体,综合医院、救护车、急救中心三方的救援服务系统。以解决AED设备数量不足、救护车无法及时赶到等问题,有效降低急救操作门槛以保证在黄金四分钟内最大程度挽救患者生命。 At present, the population ratio of AED in China is very low. In addition, there is a certain operating threshold for artificial cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and improper operation will often cause irreversible major losses. Based on the redesign of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) of AED+CPR, this design introduces the dynamic control of uav to solve the problems of difficult operation and insufficient quantity and save the life of patients to the greatest extent in the golden four minutes.