TURN是一款通过设计充气囊结构来辅助移动患者且适用多种场景的应急医疗床垫。俯卧位通气因操作复杂,虽疗效好但不常被使用,TURN通过对膜结构中气囊充放气的设计来满足对患者的隔离治疗和基本护理,可减少约60%的人力消耗。TURN由上下两层膜组成,上层保护垫保证病患正确的俯卧姿势和受压部位的防护,下层翻身垫通过充放气能够实现仰卧到俯卧的转换,在俯卧位通气的实施过程中,局部的充放气可以使腹部悬空。 TURN is an emergency medical auxiliary mattress with designed air chambers to assist ARDS patients' movement and posture during treatment in multiple scenarios. Although the traditional way has good treatment effect, it is seldom used because of operating inconvenience. TURN hopes to meet the mass production need for emergency situation by using membrane structure. By designing the structure of air sacs, airflow control and auxiliary modules, the isolation treatment and basic care of patients is met. TURN can save about 60% manual work during the PPV. TURN is consisted by upper layer for body protection and lower layer for body movement. Upper one aims to make patients prone comfortably. By designing the distribution of air sacs, it avoids the direct pressure to body joint. Lower one can help beds turn-over from 0° to 180°, (only for longitudinal shift), while partial deflation and inflation can empty abdominal pressure.
作品ID: CC202019314