Ring是为发展中国家的跨胫骨截肢儿童而设计的一个定制可调节假肢。 从概念上来说,Ring作为一种医疗设备,将为那些在发展中国家失去肢体的儿童提供假肢。 这款假肢可以在儿童成长和发育过程中实时进行调节,以确保始终适合他们的身体尺寸和体态。它的设计得益于可调节的脚的比列来确保最佳的步幅,还有上部的比例可以与其他的同款产品组合,适应身体的成长和发育。 Ring is an adjustable, custom-made prosthetic leg for transtibial amputee children in developing countries. The conceptual 'Ring' prosthetic leg as a piece of medical equipment that will enable children in developing nations to be supported if they have lost a limb. The prosthetic works by being worn by the child and being adjusted as they grow and mature to ensure it's always optimally suited to their body size and type. This is achieved thanks to an adjustable foot portion to ensure an optimal stride as well as the upper portion that can be paired with additional rings to suit the persons body as they grow and develop.