ML Kit是一款旨在降低机器学习门槛的机器学习套件,帮助创意设计人员快速上手DIY机器学习项目。本套件包含软件和硬件两部分,软件部分利用可视化图形界面和简单的代码,帮助设计人员理解机器学习技术,无需学习机器学习专业知识即可参与机器学习过程的关键步骤(数据标注、模型训练等)。而硬件部分采用模块化拼插设计,在树莓派的基础上提供多样的扩展模块,从而使创意设计人员能够自由DIY多种机器学习项目。 ML Kit is a Machine Learning (ML) toolkit designed to lower the threshold of intelligent product development and enable creative designers to DIY ML projects. ML Kit consists of software and hardware system. The software part uses a graphical user interface and simple codes to help users understand ML technology, and participate in the key steps of the ML process (data annotation, model training, etc.) without having to master professional ML knowledge. The hardware part adopts modular designing method and provides various extension modules based on the Raspberry Pi, so that users can create a variety of ML projects on their own.