
作品ID: CD202024613

国籍:中国台湾(Taiwan, China)





ThinkDoctor is an innovative laptop to link medical network services from hospital to average users. It is supporting telemedicine for everyone. The diagnosis service can fulfill the rural area & urgent cases, Replaceable examination devices can fully meet different medical conditions. In this way, patients can be consulted through a long distance to reduce the risk of infections caused by the movement of patients everywhere and expanding COVID-19 or other diseases. PC workstation computing and wireless connectivity can instantly share the view of diagnosis to terminal hospitals and pre-arrange patients’ next treatment plan. The system is made of solid aluminum plus silver ion metal coating, and replaces the appearance with sterilizing paint to ensure durability and maximum sterilization under any circumstances. In addition, UVGI(Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation), the unique operation interface, voice command, etc., are designed to support the precision medicine.
