心血管疾病患者需要根据定期复查结果更改药量(华法林等),否则无论药量不足还是过量都会造成患者不可逆损伤,大部分患者对定期赴医院检查抱有抵触态度,因此延误病情。基于此种情况,产品整合现有的硬件技术,能使患者以较为简单便捷的方式,在家进行凝血四项数据检查,极大降低了定期赴医院复查为患者带来的行动成本,患者足不出户即可精准把握病情,同时设计出一套针对心血管疾病患者的服务系统,更精准全面的为患者服务。 Cardiovascular disease patients need to change the dosage (warfarin, etc.) based on the results of regular review. Otherwise, whether the dosage is insufficient or overdose, it will cause irreversible damage to the patient. Most patients resist going to the hospital for regular check-ups and delay their condition. Based on this situation, the product integrates existing hardware technology to enable patients to perform four blood coagulation data checks at home in a relatively simple and convenient way, which greatly reduces the cost of action for patients brought to patients for regular rechecks in the hospital. At home, you can accurately grasp the condition of the disease, and at the same time design a set of service system for patients with cardiovascular disease to provide more accurate and comprehensive services for patients.
作品ID: CD202024967