

国籍:中国台湾(Taiwan, China)





     Changde Mountain Resort is Qianlong’s favorite getaway, his passionate to this exquisite palace garden shown from his forty eight visits and large scale of renovations during his realm, the resort’s enchanted beauty evokes richness of TALES by Qianlong design concept.“I am Qianlong Tea Set” includes a figure-like tea set of a pot and a cup. TALES by Qianlong collection has had Qianlong’s visiting tour to Chenged Mountain Resort as the design scheme and creatively apply on the design, blessing of auspiciousness and memories of Chenged Mountain Resort are delivered through each merchandises. Royal Fine Tea having imagery of the emperor and packed with eight of the most presentable tea flavors from China. The tea and confectionaries of local produce are precious heritages of Chenged, and refined with storytelling and touch of the royal esthetics on the packaging design.
