承德避暑山庄是乾隆最爱的休闲胜地,《戏说乾隆》取材乾隆美学与避暑山庄的渊源,做出不同的文化旅游产品。【我是乾隆・茶器】透过乾隆皇帝拟化人物造型,采用无壶嘴无壶把工艺设计,将壶、杯、印融合一体。【乾隆游】让小乾隆带着旅客游历园区著名景点,依特色着不同服饰造型,融入各种意寓,为结合在地文化之创意文具组。【乾隆御茗】透过乾隆拟化人物造型设计茶包装,严选来自中国大江南北八大名茶与台湾高山乌龙茶。【朕的点心】精选承德在地知名物产,打造宫廷点心的休闲美学新逸趣,让土特产说故事,老品牌形象得以创新! Changde Mountain Resort is Qianlong’s favorite getaway, his passionate to this exquisite palace garden shown from his forty eight visits and large scale of renovations during his realm, the resort’s enchanted beauty evokes richness of TALES by Qianlong design concept.“I am Qianlong Tea Set” includes a figure-like tea set of a pot and a cup. TALES by Qianlong collection has had Qianlong’s visiting tour to Chenged Mountain Resort as the design scheme and creatively apply on the design, blessing of auspiciousness and memories of Chenged Mountain Resort are delivered through each merchandises. Royal Fine Tea having imagery of the emperor and packed with eight of the most presentable tea flavors from China. The tea and confectionaries of local produce are precious heritages of Chenged, and refined with storytelling and touch of the royal esthetics on the packaging design.
国籍:中国台湾(Taiwan, China)