“西游ing”是一款集商务、收藏、馈赠为一体,极具代表性的城市文化伴手礼。 产品创作灵感来自《西游记》中的孙悟空,以其原型制成猴杯,所食蟠桃制成茶罐、所用神器制成酒榼。杯壶一体,合为艺术摆件,分为品茗佳器。将西游文化与连云港花果山地理标志名产完美结合,精心设计,摆之可赏,启之可用,呡之可品。 "XIYOU ing" product is inspired by Sun Wukong of "Journey to the West". Its prototype was made into a monkey cup, the peach was made into a tea caddy, and the artifact was made into wine. The cup and the tea pot are integrated, the combination is an art decoration, and the part is a tea set.. It combines the culture of “Journey to the West” ,which with the famous Lianyungang Huaguoshan geographical indication famous products. It is design carefully to be enjoyed, used, and appreciated. It is a very representative souvenir of urban culture that integrates business, collection and gifts.