MYZ系列,小型海水淡化设备 E-40
报送单位:Ys Global Vision, Inc
MYZ是世界上最小的海水淡化机。MYZ体积小,是推车式的脱盐机,可以一人携带。我们设计用于软管存储和平衡重量。这使得提高机动性成为可能。由于降低了噪音,MYZ必须能够在船上或室内使用。操作系统是集中式的,可以通过一个面板进行操作,可以容易地被使用。 ・Portability Since MYZ is small and cart type of desalination machine, it can be carried by one person. We designed it for hose storage and weight balance. It has made it possible to improve mobility. ・Spatial harmony The main unit and hose can now be stored together, in addition, noise was reduced. Thus, MYZ got to be able to be used onboard or indoors. ・Operability The operation system is centralized, and the operation can be performed with one panel. The panel has a guidance graphic. As a result, even if the operation is difficult, people can definitely use it easy.