OMRON Electric Toothbrush HT-B22X series

OMRON HT-B22X系列电动牙刷将电动牙刷去除牙菌斑的功效与手动牙刷的轻柔触感相结合。我们去除了开关周围的分型线和轮廓,并将其集成到纤细的机身中,使外观既干净又有助于保持刷子的卫生。刷子纤细的主体内部采用的技术是3维运动,结合了垂直和水平方向的振动,可以更有效地刷洗牙齿之间的间隙以及牙齿顶部的凹槽。刷子的主体还具有略呈卵形的横截面,以帮助正确地调整刷子的方向,并轻松达到适当的角度,以去除牙齿的顶部和侧面以及沿牙龈的牙菌斑。 The HT-B223/224 electric toothbrushes ease the anxiety of first-time users and people who fear the strong vibration of electric brushes. The sonic vibration is soft on gums and removes plaque three times more effectively than brushing by hand. The three-dimensional motion of the brush combines vibrations in the vertical and horizontal directions to more effectively brush the gaps between teeth and the recesses on top of teeth. The slim body can easily be rinsed and provides a comfortable grip.