Aliengo四足机器人是一款卓越运动性能四足机器人。创新性:相比于传统巡检机器人(轮式和履带式),AlienGo四足机器人落脚点离散,可以适应不同地形。实用性:AlienGo四足机器人作为全地形巡检机器人,可搭载GPS、机械臂、激光雷达、各种仪器检测设备等。美观性:机身一体化设计,所有的电源、信号线内置包裹设计。工艺性:采用了全新设计的动力系统,轻量集成,关节线缆完全内置走线,关节集成过载保护。 Aliengo quadruped robot is a quadruped robot with excellent motion performance. Innovative: Compared with traditional inspection robots (wheeled and tracked), the AlienGo quadruped robot has discrete footholds and can adapt to different terrains. Practicability: As an all-terrain inspection robot, the AlienGo quadruped robot can be equipped with GPS, robotic arms, lidar, and various instrument testing equipment. Aesthetics: Integrated body design, all power and signal lines are built-in package design. Manufacturability: A newly designed power system is adopted, which is lightweight and integrated. The joint cables are fully built-in and the joints are integrated with overload protection.