FIST FIX是一款通过游戏交互与手部监测设备帮助脑卒中患者降低康复枯燥感并提升评估频率的产品。采用软硬件结合的产品方案,通过轻量无线化的康复设备通过游戏化的交互方式改善康复枯燥;更加客观的记录康复进展以帮助医护调整诊疗方案;通过交互界面的设计整合手眼协调、空间认知与传统作业治疗以减少患者康复耗时、给患者直观可视的康复进展以获得信心减少脑卒中后抑郁等心理疾病发病率。 Fist Fix is a product that helps stroke patients reduce the boredom of rehabilitation and improve the evaluation frequency through game interaction and hand monitoring.The product scheme of software and hardware combination is adopted to improve the dullness of rehabilitation through the light-weight wireless rehabilitation equipment and game interactive way. Recording the progress of rehabilitation more objectively could help doctors and nurses adjust the treatment plan. Within design of the interaction interface, the FIST FIX integrates hand&eye coordination, spatial cognition and traditional occupational therapy to reduce the time cost of recovery, so as to reduce the incidence rate of mental disorders such as post-stroke depression.