百度阿波罗出行基于Apollo核心自动驾驶技术,快速响应疫情升级出行测温与车内消毒,支持移动端预约车辆,HMI人脸识别无接触快速认证、3D路况展示、安全语音提示且环境自定义可掌控。基于自动驾驶环境实验和融合AI、大数据和车路智行等技术,充分了解每位用户需求,适配多种环境场景,多端智能人车交互大幅提升乘客对自动驾驶的信任度与舒适感 Baidu Apollo GO which is based on Apollo's core autonomous driving technologies,provides upgraded IR temperature measurement and UV sterilization in fast response to Covid-19, mobile reservation, fast contactless face identification,3D live road conditions with different skins, safety voice prompt and customized scenarios. Based on autonomous driving environment experiment and the integration of AI 、big data and smart transportation solution and other technologies, it fully understands the needs of each user and adapts to a variety of environmental scenarios, and multi-end intelligent human-vehicle interaction greatly enhances the trust and comfort of passengers in the autonomous driving trip.